Site level transparency

Where a campaign is directly sold (via IO) and runs across more than one site, we will provide a delivery breakdown at a site level.

Programmatically, we declare all URLs to the buyer within the bid request.


Brand safety

Unless otherwise specified, we exclude high-risk content, as defined by IAS, from all our directly sold campaigns.

We will use buyers’ custom brand safety rules on request. 


Non-human traffic

Bot traffic is monitored closely through IAS and investigated if levels to any URL rise above 2%.

We do not count traffic we consider to be non-human towards campaigns.



We can target campaigns to particular sites, geographies, or audiences.

Where a buyer is using our audience targeting, we will be transparent about how we have composed the audience segment and the sources used to define that segment.

Unless otherwise specified, all audiences comprise solely from first party data. First party data is garnered lawfully and with appropriate permissions using our DMP.


We work with multiple third parties to externally validate our inventory and its performance.



We are committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and work closely with our media partners to support the adherence of the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework. Our goal is to provide complete transparency to our consumers into which third-party vendors we work with, and make  purposes for collecting and collating first party data, with the required permissions.

In an effort to further increase transparency and trust, we are continually improving our policies and processes to meet the Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) Brand Safety Principles. And as we know that great ad experiences are also safe ad experiences we have implemented the IAB Tech Lab’s ads.txt initiative. With a collective commitment to reduce ad fraud, this initiative prevents the selling of fake inventory by enabling publishers within our media portfolio to explicitly list who is authorised to sell their inventory.

Not only do we work to protect our users, we strive to improve the advertising experience for consumers. Through adoption of the Coalition for Better Ads, under the Better Ads Standards guidelines, we work with each of our publishers to ensure users have the best ad experience, no matter which device they choose to engage with our content.



We measure viewability according to the IAB viewable ad impression guidelines, namely: For standard formats, 50% or more of the pixels were in view for one second or longer.

For larger formats above 242,500 pixels, 30% or more of the pixels were in view for one second or longer. Viewability varies across our sites, and in open programmatic exchanges, is typically reflected by clearing price.

Where a viewability guarantee has been offered on a directly sold campaign, we measure ad viewability using IAS.

For programmatic buyers, we offer guaranteed viewability private marketplaces at various thresholds – in Rubicon these are measured by IAS, and in Google AdExchange we use ActiveView.


Legal and tax obligations

All publishers and sites abide by UK laws and are subject to domestic regulation and laws on defamation and publishing.

All of our publishers are regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

All sites and publishers are registered to pay tax in the country of publication, and no digital revenues are diverted to offshore tax havens.